Axis of Awesome - Transgender Universe

On Valentines Day, Jordan Raskopoulos, the lead singer of the Australian music comedy group The Axis of Awesome, came out as transgender in a video released on YouTube.

“That reason is that I am transgender…no shit!”

The Axis of Awesome may be best known for their medley called “4 chords” which went viral on youtube with over 27 million views. The song is a parody on how pop songs use the same 4 chords and encompasses 36 songs in a matter of 6 minutes. The track even made it to Australian radio.

In the video posted on Sunday, Jordan announced though she is keeping the name Jordan, she is changing her full name to Jordan Nicola Bridget Raskopoulos. She responded to many questions from fans regarding why she shaved her beard one year ago. “There is a very good reason for why I got rid of my beard” proclaimed Raskopoulos, “and a (very) good reason why it is not coming back”. “That reason is that I am transgender…no shit!” stated the comedian.

“I decided if I wanted a shot at a happy life and a happy future, I needed to transition.”

Raskopoulos also discussed her issues with gender dysphoria and how Lana Wachowski and Laura Jane Grace inspired her to be her true self. “I decided if I wanted a shot at a happy life and a happy future, I needed to transition.” proclaimed Raskopoulos. She also announced she has been writing online articles regarding transgender issues under the pseudonym Nicola Fierce.

The Axis of Awesome released a new album on Monday titled “Viva La Vida Loca Las Vegas“. It is available on

Watch “4 Chords” by The Axis of Awesome:


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Well let me welcome Jordan to the transgender universe! This is a great story and she handled her announcement in an amazing way that holds true to her art. I hope we see more stories like this in 2016.