A Matter of Perception - Melissa Ballard - Trans Families - Transgender Universe

Perceptions are ingrained in a person from birth. How you are raised and the environment you are raised in help form the person you become. Often this can be hard to change and move away from when it comes down to the way values and morals are conveyed. I think this is why the right-winged uber conservative Christians have such a hard time accepting the LGBT community. When you are forever taught this lifestyle is wrong or against God, you believe it. Especially if you live in the same bubble most of your life and you never experience it from a different prospective. I know most people are capable of listening and learning if they will just take a minute and lend an ear. Sometimes this means seeking out a person to have this exchange with, and there are people who are willing to spend this time with a genuinely interested person. We have to take those opportunities as they come along and use each chance to bring light to the struggles a transgender person faces, and what can be done to help improve perception and relationships. If you feel like you do not know anyone trans or anyone in the LGBT community, reach out to a local group and ask questions if want to truly educate yourself. You will most likely make a new friend and learn a ton!

“We have to; we must keep trying to make people understand this is not a phase or a trend; this is a life or death situation.”

Our local community has created its own support and advocacy group. When you have over seventy-five (75) FAMILIES in one area and growing daily, you tend to have a voice! We have started attending city council meetings, school board meetings, and other local transgender advocate events. Most recently we had members in both Rockwall and Ft. Worth, Texas who opposed anti-tans bathroom bills and support pro-trans school policies. We also try to get involved in local discussion to help people learn more about trans life and trans care. The medical community is reaching out to learn more all the time and our group is willing to join in to help whenever needed. These experiences are not only good to have as an adult, but our kids are also getting to see how government works and issues like these affect their futures. As trans-parents, we have become vocal and open to questions and will have dialogue with people willing to listen. We have to; we must keep trying to make people understand this is not a phase or a trend; this is a life or death situation. I have decided this is how I spend my time when not working or with the family.

A Matter of Perception -Trans Families -Melissa Ballard - Transgender UniverseI personally will continue be an advocate for those who do not have a voice and will try to make the world a better place for my child every chance I get. This cause is personal for me as I have a trans child, but I also feel that everyone deserves equality. If you feel this way and are looking to support the LGBT community find a place and get involved! The more advocates our kids (and adults) have in the trans community, the better the quality of life they will have moving forward.

Reach out to, advocate for, support, love and fight for those who need it the most!