There was fear, hate and accusations thrown around. Many minorities feared for their future and do even more so now that the election is over.

It’s been a wild ride of an election- no matter what candidate you supported, there was fear, hate and accusations thrown around. Many minorities feared for their future- and do even more so now that the election is over.

After I was able to calm down substantially, I was reminded of the fact that it’s not as huge a deal as it may seem- that we have to remember our checks and balances system that doesn’t guarantee anything will be implanted or repealed.

“as an openly transgender man from a Jewish family, engaged to a cisgender man, I’m afraid.”

Even so, after this election, as an openly transgender man from a Jewish family, engaged to a cisgender man, I’m afraid. This country has shown throughout this entire election what hate looks like, not just in the candidates, but also in the actions of the people. I’m more afraid of them than I am of anyone in politics! But while a huge setback may have happened, we need now more than ever to remind ourselves what we do to setbacks- stand up and fight back!

There was fear, hate and accusations thrown around. Many minorities feared for their future and do even more so now that the election is over.

Let me remind you all that nothing is guaranteed- nothing good, and nothing bad. But to progress the good and stop the bad, we need to continue to fight for the good!

Right now, many people have been shaken from this election. So many things have been brought more out into the open that are wrong with American politics. So many things are begin questioned right now- many have become disenfranchised with the legitimacy of elections, and feel that the true power behind massive greed in this country has been unveiled. There is a major uncomfortable calm, and it’s more than possible a storm is brewing. Of what caliber, and in favor of what, that is left unknown at this time. However, despite when that storm begins or how it ends, there is no chance of us spinning it in favor of good unless we stand tall!

“No matter how far we come, there’s always going to be someone trying to bring us down.”

No matter how far we come, there’s always going to be someone trying to bring us down. But that should never, ever, make us admit defeat! We will fight with all our might like those at Stonewall! We will push forward for more than just “separate but equal” ideas that come in terms of bathroom laws! We will keep going for those who have fallen, whether by their own hand or by the hand of hate.

Nothing will be easy, but what in the world is easy? There’s a quote (that I’m unsure on the origins of) that I’d like to leave you all with; please carry this with you in your mind as we begin the next few years, for I feel that our rights and lives are worth having…

“Anything worth having is worth fighting for.”